
Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Harga dari Ketidakadilan

Adalah Joseph E. Stiglitz, peraih hadiah nobel ekonomi, 2001 yang telah menulis buku dengan judul: The Price of Inequality How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future, 2012. Buku ini mendeskripsikan betapa ketidakadilan itu harus dibayar mahal. Ketidakdilan dunia justeru berakibat pada kerugian global, baik secara ekonomi maupun politik. Negara-negara maju yang tidak peduli terhadap nasib negara berkembang juteru akan mengalami hambatan bagi perkembangan ekonomi negara maju itu sendiri. Stiglitz menulis: There are moments in history when people all over the world seem to rise up, to say that something is wrong, to ask for change. This is what happened in the tumultuos years 1848 and 1968. Each of these years of upheaval marked the beginning of a new era. The year 2011 may prove to be another such moment... Inequality is not inevitable. But in recent years well-heeled interests have compounded their wealth by stiffing true, dynamic capitalism. They have made America the most unequal advanced industrial country, distorted key policy debates, and fomented a divided society. In the Price of Inequality Stiglitz lays out a comprehensive agenda to create a more dynamic economy and a fairer and more equal society. Wa Allah a”lam.

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