
Senin, 10 September 2012


Yohanan Friedmann menulis buku dengan judul: Tolerance and coercion in Islam interfaith relations in the muslim tradition, 2003. Buku ini memuat catatan praktik toleransi umat Islam, dan juga perilaku intoleransi dalam sejarah Islam. Kajian ini juga didasarkan pada al.Quran, hadis dan catatan sejarah Islam. Friedmann menulis: the purpose of the present study is to survey and analyze a substantial body of Sunni Muslim tradition relevant to the notions of religious tolerance and coercion, religious diversity, hiecrachy of religions, the boundaries of the muslim community and the ramifications of all these on several topics in classical islamic thought and law. I have made wide us of the hadith collections and of exegesis on the relevant Qur'anic verses.

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