
Selasa, 24 November 2015

Petuah Kepemimpinan

Saya baru saja membaca buku dengan judul: Leadership Lessons from Cherokee Nation. Buku sangat menarik. Sebab, pada setiap babnya ada kata-kata inspiratif. Buku ini memuat pengalaman leadership penulisnya memimpin perusahaan ternama dan sukses. Untuk berbagi, saya mengutip beberapa kata-kata inspiratif, sebagai berikut:

1. If you want to be successful, it is this simple.
Know what you are doing, 
Love what you are doing
And believe in what you are doing
(Will Rogers)

2. Learn from all I observe

You are already coming out, rising fast, I will follow you all day, I will "learn from all that I observe", in the world. Late in the evening as you disappear, I shall be that much wiser.

(Benny Smith, full blood bilingual Cherokee traditionalist)

3. Leadedhip the ability to go from point A to point B

If you don't  know where you are going, any road will take you there.
(Lewis Carroll, alice in wonderland).

4. Where you want to go

Where there is no vision, the people shall perish.
(Proverbs, 29:18)

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve,
Not by the desire to beat others.
(Ayn Rand)

5. Never in our history was we willing to blame someone else for our troubles.
(Will Rogers, 28 april 1935).

6. When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people.
(Chinese provers). (h. 108).

7. Three characterics of a happy, healthy community were summed up in three words: jobs, language, and community. h. 109.

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